Thursday, June 28, 2018

Chế độ ăn thuần chay đã cứu người phụ nữ này khỏi dị ứng kinh niên và eczema.

Nguồn: FB Liên Hương.

Chế độ ăn thuần chay đã cứu người phụ nữ này khỏi dị ứng kinh niên và eczema.

Tôi chưa gặp bệnh nhân eczema mãn tính nào khỏi mà không bỏ thịt và sữa thú, hormones trong thú đáng để bạn suy nghĩ.


Repost from Tara Tom: 

Today I wanted to share my story to give hope to those who feel lost and defeated from trying to find a way to heal their chronic illnesses. Yes I too have had a long journey, one that has stripped me down to having nothing.I was diagnosed with eczema at around 3 months old. Since then I have dealt with dermatologist after dermatologist each trying to figure out a way to help me. Unfortunately none of them had the knowledge, and they just did what they learned they should do. Basically when in doubt prescribe a steroid to reduce inflammation. Well at age 13 my skin got so bad that the doctor told me I don't think your skin will ever go back to normal, it will probably scar. Now these are the people that are supposed to help me but instead of providing hope they were saying things like you are allergic to the sun, allergic to your sweat, you should live with only plastic...!!! 

Yes I was told to live with only plastic because my dust mite score on a scale of 0-100 (100 being highly allergic), was 1895. These words left me feeling completely hopeless and lost.But something inside of me said go find your own way to heal. Which lead me to 4 years of researching natural remedies and adapting numerous diets...gluten free, alkaline diet, vegan, and even an "I quit sugar" one which was basically a paleo diet. I totally thought I was on the right track until 2015 when everything (which was already slowly deteriorating) came crashing down. My eczema flared up on my face, neck and arms, I felt faint all the time, I couldn't exercise, I couldn't walk for more then 10 mins, my toes were always frozen, my hair was falling out, my nails were brittle, I had tightness in my chest, and I couldn't be in the sun for longer than 10 mins without feeling nauseous.

It has been 17 months since I incorporated everything I learned from Medical Medium Anthony and let me just tell you no other lifestyle has left me feeling completely happy and full of ENERGY. All the previous ones only lasted for about 2 months and they have never left me feeling confident that I was going to heal. I still have more to heal but with the success I have had I KNOW I will. From the bottom of my heart I would like to say THANK YOU to Anthony, for he literally has saved my life!!! #medicalmedium

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